Construction companies, investors and distributors have an
early access opportunity to an industry defining technology.
Our Partners
Those listed have joined together because they believe there is an opportunity to make major changes to the way we currently build and are keen to be involved right from the start.
The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (amrc.co.uk)
A team of architects and structural engineers (rg-p.co.uk)
Material scientists at the University of Brighton (research.brighton.ac.uk/en/persons/andreas-lampropoulos & clean-growth.uk/south-east-hub)
A team of building control experts (ebcsltd.co.uk)
Manufacturers of engineering foam components (engineeredfoamproducts.com)

We are assisted by others with intimate detail knowledge of:
Specific activators ideal for high strength geopolymer concrete (wagner.com.au)
Waste material (thamesmaterials.com)
Affordable housing (milcon.co.uk)
Residential building (ilifedevelopments.com)
Filming and 3D animation for marketing and training, Dean Arnett.
And are guided by input and co-operation with:
Local Enterprise Partnerships (semlep.com)
Housing Association(s) – to be agreed
Local Authorities – to be agreed

Developers and builders of all sizes but especially small builders and self-builders
Local authorities
Housing Associations

Zicon is seeking partners from the international community.
National or regional governments, wishing to discuss possible use of the Zicon system to speed up rejuvenation projects, school and/or medical centre building
Commercial organisations who wish to manufacture and use the Zicon system either in their own home country or in other regions.
Multinational Aid agencies, needing emergency shelters and/or emergency fast build command & control centres
Universities or other bodies wishing to test and trial the Zicon system
If you are enthusiastic about doing something different and want to contact Zicon do so.